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Frequently Asked Questions

Visit on your browser (E.g.: Google Chrome). Fill in all the required details in the candidate registration form and click on the Signup button. Now, you can update your profile with the help of the ‘My Profile’ option in the dashboard.

To get started, create your professional Teachers Recruiter profile, and highlight your skills, teaching subject, education, experience, and salary. Explore education jobs using the find jobs page in your dashboard menu and apply for jobs that best match your result. We give you access to connect and communicate directly with institutions using our messaging/chat feature. The entire process from registration to final hiring is free for Jobseekers/Educators.

Free service to connect and communicate with top educational institutions across the country. Manage your applications and accept offers on time. Highlight your skills, role, education, experience, teaching video, and availability. Communicate directly with the hiring institution’s manager. You pay nothing, even after you get Hired. Join Teachers Recruiter as a Jobseeker, Click here:

No, you don’t need to install any software or app on your PC or Mobile to use Teachers Recruiter. You only open the site link ( in the browser on any device to use the Teachers Recruiter Portal.

Go to the Find jobs page on the top main menu or open this link: In the search tab, enter your Job title / Role / Teaching Subject and your desired location. Start your search, you can also use Advanced Search to further narrow your result.

Yes, you have to register first then you can apply for jobs. Registration Process:- Visit on your browser (e.g.: Google Chrome). Fill in all the required details in the candidate registration form and click on the Signup button. Now, first, update your profile with the help of the ‘My Profile’ option in the dashboard menu. After that, Go to ‘Find Jobs’ then just click on the job title or logo image to open the job description that you want to apply for, check the job details carefully and click on the Apply button. It’s Done. Now, the institution management will review your profile and you will get further notifications by email or call.

Make sure your resume is in the correct format. (.pdf, .doc, .docx) / (PDF or Word) Signup/Login your account on Teachers Recruiter. (Login Here: (Signup Here: After login into your account, Go to the Dashboard / My Profile section which is on the top right side of your page. Select the Upload/Manage CV option Select the Upload Resume option Select the resume from your device that you want institutions to find. Upload your Resume.

First, Create your account on Teachers Recruiter using this link: Login to your account with your Id and password: Go to the My Profile section in the dashboard menu Go to the Create Resume section and fill in the professional details (Skills, Education, Experience, Portfolio, Expertise, Languages) Now, select resume design and click on generate PDF Your latest resume is now ready to use You can use it while applying for the new jobs You can edit it any time You can upload to CV manager as a default for your applied jobs.

If you set Public Profile View: Yes, Then, Only Registered Institutions/Employers can view your profile details and according to that, they will offer the best possible opportunity. If you don’t want to showcase your profile for employers/institutions then login to your profile Go to ‘My Profile’ and Change the setting of Public Profile View: No. Your privacy is in your hand. If you applied for any of the jobs then the concerned institutions/employers can view your profile and resume.

Expired jobs are job postings that have been removed from Teachers Recruiter by the institution/employer as the position has been filled/closed.

Yes, it helps institutions/employers to understand your skills and will help them match your profile based on their requirements. If you don’t want to showcase your profile or resume to employers then login to your profile Go to ‘My Profile’ and Change the setting of Public Profile View: No. Your privacy is in your hand. If you applied for any of the jobs then the concerned institution/employer can view your profile and resume.

Email us at for assistance.  

Open the jobs listings page: Here, you can search for jobs and just click on the Job title or Logo image to open the job description that you want to apply for. On the job description page, you will get this information: job title, school/Institute name, exact job location, salary, required qualifications, experience, skills, job type (full-time/part-time/online), and benefits.    

Open the jobs listings page:  Here, you can search for a job that suits your profile/expectations and just click on the Job title or Logo image to open the job description that you want to apply for, check the job details carefully, click on the Green Color Apply button, and carefully fill in the required details in the application form, and again final click on the Apply Button. It’s Done. Now, the school/institution management will review your profile and you will get further notifications by email or call.

Login to your profile, Go to the “My Profile” section and complete all the information and submit.

Browse through the available job listings page ( and apply for positions that match your qualifications and interests. Follow the application instructions provided in each job listing. Ensure your profile is complete at least 50% and up-to-date.

If you already registered on the portal, first login ( to your profile and apply for jobs.